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Hosting in-person services We have in-person services every Sunday @9:15 and 11. Watch us on Facebook and YouTube! Come, enjoy, worship!

Connect Groups


Connect Groups are how you find your community.

At HRCL, we value community. We know that it's impossible to do life alone, and the best way to find a relationship with God, is to find relationships within the church.

What We Believe

We believe that a true lasting relationship with God starts with true lasting relationships within the church.

Who you spend the most time with will influence who you become. So we believe that experiencing life with people who are encouraging, loving, and uplifting will help you to grow into someone who is also encouraging, loving, and uplifting.

What do you do?

That's easy! You're already doing it.

Life groups are nothing more than your normal groups of friends doing what you do, but with an added purpose of bringing each other up in Christ.

Do you go bowling with your friends every Thursday? Why not add a quick prayer time at the end?

Do you throw a dinner party every other week? Why not add a devotional to the beginning of it, and worship God together with those that you're closest to?

Feeling Intimidated?

It doesn't have to be scary. Like we said, you're already doing it. You love hanging out with your friends, and we love seeing the people of our church as a loving family.

At HRCL, we're just a normal group of people with normal interests. We don't judge here. And we don't exclude anybody. Wherever you are, or wherever you've been, we're glad you're here.

Join A Life Group!

If you don't want to lead a Life Group, we encourage you to join one. You can find the full catalogue of Life Groups that are already available at the Welcome Center in the church. Simply find one that interests you, and contact the leaders of the group, or we can contact them for you.